The Investment Office Team brings a deep base of experience and talent to the management of the Institute's investments. The investment team develops recommendations on investment policies, strategies, and asset allocation for review and approval by the Investment Committee. With the general guidelines in place, the investment team then identifies investments and what it considers to be best-in-class asset managers around the world who can effectively implement the adopted investment strategies. The team focuses on medium- to long-term performance, identifying global trends and investment opportunities that may develop over many years. While quarter-to-quarter performance is closely monitored, and appropriate portfolio adjustments are made from time to time, the primary goal is to earn long-term rates of return that support the annual endowment payout and maintain its inflation-adjusted purchasing power, allowing it to support Caltech's activities for generations to come.
"Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results." - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha, Author